About Us
How did Rooted Home come to be?

A very tired, very overworked mom had it put on her heart to homeschool her kids. She knew there could be a different way if God was putting this on her, MY, heart. And so Rooted Home was born from that burning desire to be more present. To “give them roots”.

We kept leaning into the whisper, researching what life could look like as a homeschool family, a slower paced, less money driven family, allowing ourselves to dream. We leaned into really listening to what God was putting directly in our paths, opening our eyes, placing into our lives and stepping out in faith like we've never known.

And it was ALL worth it. Every second of prayer, every decision made, every breaking of who I thought I was, every stressful day. I couldn’t be more thankful. I couldn’t be more changed and humbled to be here, with these kiddos and with this business.

I know homeschooling is not for everyone, but for the family that reads this, feels this in their bones, wants this so badly and doesn’t know how. God didn’t put that on your heart for no reason, so lean in, answers await, and I’m here to cheer you on.

And so Rooted Home came to be, to enable a future I could only dream of, to build a community I wouldn't trade for the world, to encourage others on their own journey and to provide beauty that the world can afford.